Ken Ham cites Brian’s conference

From time to time I mention some of our passionate speakers—each thoroughly equipped in apologetics to help teens and adults (some speakers can do K–6 programs) defend our Christian faith in these increasingly secularized times. One of our adjunct speakers is Brian Catalucci, based in Colorado. Here is what he wrote to us recently:

“At my conference in Longview, Washington last month I had a good number of attendees come up to me and say that they really learned a lot at the conference—including the problem of many people in the church supporting man’s word vs. God’s Word regarding origins—and how science confirms the Scriptures.

One of the most interesting was a gentleman who came up to me and said that my presentations were done in a way that, for the first time, made him really understand the issues, even though he had attended numerous other creation seminars. His statement validated my aim to teach my material in a way that people can understand it and then employ it in their lives and witnessing”. Brian Catalucci

We realize that most Christians (especially in the western half of America) may not have the opportunity to travel and tour our Creation Museum and future Ark Encounter here in Northern Kentucky. But we can bring the creation/gospel message to them—when they host one of our excellent speakers.

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